Create a Matter
A matter passes through several stages before it is transmitted to a Provider, the steps are below:
Define Matter and Input Details
Information defining the specific Matter such as Matter Name, when the Matter commenced, who is managing the Matter, when it is likely to conclude and any additional information required by the Customer, is recorded.
Define Engagement Order
Information about the Legal Provider engagement such as the Area of Law they are being engaged to work in, an initial budget (if available), which Firm is being engaged and a Key Person selection (if known).
Define Deliver Order(s)
One or more deliverable orders are created to define the initial tasks to be undertaken by the provider such as the provision of a Program and Initial Advice. Additional deliverable orders may be issued to the Legal Firm after Matter creation, if required.
Create a Matter
After confirming all details for the new Matter are correct, the Matter is created and all Orders are transmitted to the selected Legal Firm.
The use of templates to automate data entry into Matters may mean that some of the stages are completely automated and may not even be seen during the creation of the Matter. |
Once the Matter has been transmitted to the selected Provider, the matter passes through the following stages before it is closed:
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