Who: |
Provider Sys Admin |
Key legal staff in the Provider firm are given Key Personnel profiles to identify the areas of law in which they specialise. Orders issued to the Provider firm have to be associated to a Key Person to ensure that the required level of expertise is being brought to the management of the matter.
Before you begin
- The person must be added as an LPG User but does not need an LPG User Profile (no LPG roles need to be assigned).
In order for a person to be associated to LPG orders as the Key Person, the following tasks need to be performed:
1. The LPG System Administrator must create the person as a User within LPG. See topic Create a User for details.
2. The LPG System Administrator must define the User as a Key Person, identify the areas of law in which they specialise and upload the Key Person’s CV and photograph.
3. The Customer must approve each Key Person before they are available to be associated with orders.
At regular intervals, the Key Personnel information should be reviewed by the Provider Sys Admin to ensure that it is up to date including:
- The Key Person’s specialty list (Areas of Law);
- Upload of the Key Person’s current CV and photograph.
There are three main steps to set an LPG User up as a Key Person:
1. Add the User as a Key Person;
2. Upload the Key Person’s CV and photo;
3. Specify the Key Person’s specialties (areas of law).
Step 1: Set up User as a Key Person
1. On the LPG menu select Users > Find Users.
The User List screen appears.
2. Enter search criteria to find the User you wish to add as a Key Person.
3. Click the Submit
The list of Users matching the search criteria is displayed. In the example shown above all users with “john” in their Name are displayed (N1).
4. Click Edit next to the User you wish to add as a Key Person.
The Edit User screen appears.
5. Tick the Key Personnel
6. The Gender and Start Date fields appear.
7. Select the Gender and enter the Start Date (or use the calendar tool to select the date).
8. Click the Submit
Step 2: Upload Key Person’s CV and Photograph
1. Find the User and click the Edit link as described in the steps above.
The Edit User screen appears.
2. Click the Documents
The Add a new CV or photo panel is displayed.
N1 – Any existing CVs or photos are listed.
N2 - Click View to open the CV or photo within your web browser. Click Download to download a copy of the CV or photo.
3. To see older versions of the CV, click the arrow icon next to the file name.
The Versions panel appears with older versions of the CV listed.
N4 - The first upload is always version 1. Each subsequent upload increments this number by 1.
N5 - Use the View or Download links to open a particular version of the document.
N6 - Use the Delete Document button to delete the document, including all its version. A history note is written to the Person to record that the document has been deleted.
N7 - The users access privileges for this document are listed at the bottom of the Versions tab.
- View: The User can view and download the document.
- Update: The User can view and download the document, use the Upload new content tab to upload a new version and use the Metadata tab to change the details of the document.
- Manage: The User can view and download the document, use the Upload new content tab to upload a new version, use the Metadata tab to change the details of the document and use the Authorization tab to set access privileges to this document. The user can also delete the document.
4. To upload a new CV or photo, do the following:
a. Select whether this is a CV or a Photo from the Default Type drop down list.
b. Click on Choose File button to locate the file you want to upload.
The Open window is displayed.
N8 - Find and select the required file then click the Open button.
The Open window closes.
N9 - The name of the selected file is displayed next to the Choose File button.
c. Click the Add Document(s)
If the file has the same name as an existing uploaded file, a warning message is displayed
If the file has a different name from any existing uploaded file, it is added to the file list as a new document
Step 3: Specify the Key Person’s Specialties (Areas of Law)
After identifying the User as a Key Person and uploading a CV and photo (as described in previous sections of this document), the Sys Admin must specify the Areas of Law in which the Key Person specialises.
1. On the LPG menu select Users > Key Personnel Link.
The Key Personnel Link screen appears. It lists all Users from your firm who are set up as Key Persons.
2. A message displays the number of LPG users for your firm that have been identified as Key Personnel. If you have a large number of Key Personnel, 30 of them will be displayed on the screen at any time. Use the Page buttons and scroll down the pages as required to find the User whose specialties you wish to define.
3. Click Modify Links next to the Key Person’s name.
The Key Personnel Link screen appears. The top part of the screen displays the User’s details.
N1 - The Areas of Law list shows Areas of Law not currently linked to this User.
N2 - The Linked Areas of Law list is the User’s specialty list. When the User is first added as a Key Person, this list will be blank.
4. To add Areas of Law to the User’s specialty list, do the following:
a. Click to select the Area of Law that you want to add.
Tip: To select several items (as shown in the example above), hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and click each item.
b. Click the Move to Right ->
The selected items are moved from the Areas of Law list to the Linked Areas of Law list.
5. To remove Areas of Law from the User’s specialty list, do the following:
a. Click to select the Linked Area of Law that you want to remove.
Tip: To select several items, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard and click each item.
b. Click the <- Move to Left
The selected items are moved from the Linked Areas of Law list to the Areas of Law list.
N3 – Clicking the Move All to Right ->> button adds every Area of Law to this User’s specialty list. This means the user will be available to be associated with Engagements for any Area of Law.
N4 – Clicking the <<- Move All to Left button removes all items from the User’s specialty list. This can be useful if you wish to clear and rebuild the list of User specialties.
6. To save changes to the Key Person’s specialties list, click the Save
N5 - Clicking the Back button returns to the Key Personnel Link screen without saving any changes.
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