Who | Matter Manager |
Why | The Find Matters screen provides search fields and filters to allow you to find a matter |
Before you begin:
You will only retrieve matter results based on your current workgroup access that has been allocated to your user profile.
For example - If you have Workgroup A and Workgroup B allocated to your user profile, you will only be able to find matters for these two workgroups.
Should you retrieve no results based on the search criteria you entered, the matter has either not allocated to your workgroup or the search criteria entered is incorrect.
After logging into LPG:
1. Click the Matter menu option and select Find Matters.
2. At the List Matters page:
- 2a - You can enter either the LPG number / Matter ID in the LPG No. field or just keywords in the Matter Name field.
- 2b - You can input a matter date range using either the Matter Start Date From or Matter End Date To.
- 2c - You can find matters based on its current status.
- 2d - You can find matters within your allocated workgroup.
- 2e - You can find matters that are allocated or 'owned' by you or a specific member of your workgroup.
- 2f - You can find matters using the Search Attribute 1 filter options, such as Claim Number or Agency etc.
3. Click Search to retrieve results based on the criteria entered.
Note: If you do not input any information into search fields/filters provided and click Search, you will retrieve a list of all historical and current matters, based on your workgroup access.
4. After clicking Search, a list of matter(s) is retrieved.
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