This help guide contains:
- Explanation of SLA triangles
- 3 examples we will work through
- SLA timeframes assigned for Provider and Client users
- LPG status overview document (please note this is available as an attachment within this article)
SLA Explanation:
SLA Warnings (Service Level Agreements) are warnings about pre-defined targets that are triggered when the period prescribed to achieve the target is about to pass.
SLAs on contracts in the LPG trigger notifications to users who are at risk of breaching KPIs.
The SLA triangle (either Yellow or Red) is visible to both the Providers and Clients. This is so both parties are aware of the status of the Order.
A Yellow triangle indicates an SLA due date is approaching.
A Red triangle indicates an SLA has been breached.
To determine whether the Provider or Client is responsible for the approaching or expired SLA, users should look at two things:
- The Order status
- The availability of Action buttons.
The different statuses will indicate what stage the Engagement, Deliverable, and Invoice is at. Please refer to the attached table for further explanation of all order and invoice statuses.
If the Acquire, Takeover, Action or Release button is visible next to the Order or Invoice, you and/or your team is responsible for the next step, and the SLA relates to you.
Example 1:
This example is looking at the Engagement screen within a matter.
N1: This shows the Status is work in progress, there is no SLA due date approaching or passed for the Engagement, and the Engagement order is of standard priority
N2: The Red SLA triangle shows that action on these Deliverable orders is now overdue.
Example 2:
This example is showing a Provider user viewing the Deliverable orders with an Engagement.
N3 - We can see these 3 orders have breached an SLA because there is a red triangle showing in the SLA column.
We can see the status is Work In Progress, and if we look at the Due Dates, they have now passed, which indicates the Red SLA triangle relates to overdue outstanding orders.
Work was not completed by the specified due date.
N4 - The Action / Release buttons are available, which means this user can action the orders. The SLA breach is for this user, as they have the action buttons available to them.
Example 3:
This example is showing a Client user viewing the Deliverable orders within the same Engagement as example 2.
N5 - The Red triangle shows an SLA has been breached and the Order status is Work In Progress.
N6 - There are no Action buttons available which indicates it is not the responsibility of the Client to complete action for this SLA.
If you note the due dates, they have now passed. This breached SLA is for Deliverable orders not being completed by due date.
SLA timeframes
The below table outlines the timeframes associated with the SLAs configured within LPG
A - This column is for the name of milestone and trigger date explanation (the action which triggers this SLA due date calculation)
B - This column indicates if the Provider (Legal Provider) or Customer (Scheme Agent) is responsible for actioning this SLA
C - This column indicates the different priority levels
D - This column indicates when the SLA needs to be action by
E - This column indicates when a warning notification is sent to the user (this is only applicable if email notifications are enabled)
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