Who: | Matter Manager + Accounts + Document Reviewer |
Why: | Reduce the active matter list by locating matters that are considered 'complete' |
After the Provider marks the engagement order as 'Work Complete' and they submit their final claim and invoice, the status of the engagement order on the matter will update to [INVOICE SUBMITTED].
You can find a matter (ready for closure) by following the steps below.
1. Go to the Matter menu > select the Find Matter by Orders option
2. Select the Final Invoice Submitted Order Status from the drop-down menu.
3. Click Search to retrieve results or Reset Search to start over the search again.
4. Click the Action button to enter your assigned matter.
Help Article >>> Acquire, Action/Release and Takeover buttons. What does each button mean?
After you have entered your matter, you can see the engagement order with the status of ORDER Final Invoice Submitted. This indicates that the Provider has submitted a final claim and the associated invoice and this is ready for you to complete the necessary tasks to close the matter.
- Finalise invoice to PAID AND CLOSED
Within the Engagement Tab in the Matter Screen, scroll to the bottom of the screen and you should see an Invoices section. To finalise invoice to PAID AND CLOSED, click the action button the invoice.
5. Once actioned, you will be take to the 'Review Invoice' screen, scroll to the bottom of the screen and you should see the final invoice awaiting action and approval..
6. At the Review Invoice page, enter an approval message and select the Approve - Pay & Close button
7. Select the OK button to proceed to finalise the invoice
8. At the View and Pay Approved Invoices screen, enter the Payment Ref (which would be the ref relating to your internal claims system), click the tick box and then select the Pay Selected Invoices button
9. Click the OK button to pay and close the invoice
You will be directed to the matter and the engagement order will now show as ORDER COMPLETE
- Ensure that all documents are reviewed. If there are no pending or overdue documents for review, there are no documents outstanding.
Help Article >>> How to review pending documents
- At least one Provider survey is complete. Direct to the Survey tab on the matter to see if there are any surveys to complete.
Help Article >>> How to complete a survey
- Update Matter Details and mark the matter as Closed. Scroll to the bottom of your matter (after you have ensured all the above tasks are complete) and select the Update Matter Details button.
Ensure to change the Matter Status from ACTIVE to 'Closed Matter' then click Update to save your changes.
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