Who: |
Provider Allocation |
Why: |
The Client has transmitted an Engagement Order and/or Deliverable Orders to the Provider. There may be an SLA requirement on the Provider to respond the Engagement offer within a given time. |
This user guide covers the following topics:
- Accept Engagement and Deliverable Orders;
- Refuse an Order;
- Accept all Orders associated with a Matter;
- Undo the acceptance of an Order;
- Locating accepted Orders.
Finding Orders that needs to be accepted (or refused):
1. On the LPG menu, select Worklist > My Work.
The My Work screen appears.
3. If there is no relevant View (as specified in step 2), enter the required search criteria then click the Submit
- N1 – Select “Order” from the View Entity drop down list;
- N2 - Select Available to My Resource (since the work is not specifically assigned to you yet);
- N3 - Select “NOT YET ACCEPTED” and “OVERDUE ACCEPTANCE” from the Status list
(see note below); - N4 – Optionally include a date range in the Task Created From and Task Created To fields to reduce the volume of results.
The list of Orders that haven’t been accepted yet is displayed.
N5 - In the example shown below, there is an Engagement Order and an Order for a deliverable document (“Advice”) associated with this Matter.
N6 - Typically the Engagement Order and any associated Deliverable Orders will have consecutive Order numbers.
4. Click the Action (or Acquire) button next to the Engagement Order. The Accept Order screen appears with the details of the Engagement Order displayed.
N8 - Take note of how long you have to accept the Order (Acceptance Within in the Order banner).
N9 - Take note of the budget allocation for this Engagement (Approved $). If the Approved $ = $0.00, the Client has left it to the Provider to determine the cost of the Order. In this case (or if the allocated budget is insufficient), the Provider must submit a Budget Variation Request. See topic Request a Budget Variation for important information about the timing of variation requests.
There are various actions that can be performed in relation to the Order at this point.
To Accept the Engagement, do the following:
5. To allocate the Key Personnel, do the following:
a. Click the Key Personnel
The Key Personnel fields are displayed.
b. Click the Search icon .
The Pick Key Person window opens.
c. Select the person’s name in the Key Person
N10 - Now that the Key Person is selected, the Alternative Key Person list is displayed.
d. If desired, select the name of an alternative person to handle the Engagement from the Alternative Key Person
e. Click Submit
The Pick Key Person window closes and the display returns to the Accept Order screen.
N11 - The names of the selected personnel are displayed.
6. Once the Key Personnel are selected, you can accept the Engagement Order by clicking the Accept button or the Accept and Continue
The Accepted Order confirmation screen appears.
7. Click Save and Continue
The Order in Progress screen appears if you clicked on the Accept and Continue button. The Client receives notification that the Engagement Order has been accepted. The Engagement has now moved to Status WORK IN PROGRESS - OPEN.
8. Click Matter
N12 - The Matter screen appears with the Engagement tab selected.
9. Each of the Deliverable Orders associated with the Matter needs to be actioned and accepted following the same steps as for the Engagement Order (described above).
N15 - Only when all Deliverable Orders show Order Status “WORK IN PROGRESS – OPEN”, all work associated with the Matter been accepted by the Provider.
To refuse the Order, do the following:
1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Accept Order screen and enter a Reason for refusing the Order.
2. Click the Refuse
The Client is notified of the refusal so they can allocate the Engagement to a different Provider.
Tips & Troubleshooting
Accepting All Orders Together
Instead of accepting each of the Orders within the Matter individually, you can do the following to accept them all together:
1. If not already allocated, allocate the Key Personnel for the Engagement Order and each of the Deliverable Orders.
2. Return to the Matter screen and tick the Accept check box next to each Deliverable Order.
Typically, they are already ticked by default.
3. Click the Accept All
The Engagement Order and all associated Deliverable Orders are accepted and moved to status WORK In PROGRESS – OPEN.
Undo the Acceptance of an Order
It is possible to undo the acceptance of an Order by clicking the Unaccept Order button (N1) from the Order in Progress screen. This action returns the Order to the ”NOT YET ACCEPTED” Status.
Locating Accepted Orders.
N3 - You can search for accepted Orders in My Work by selecting Status = “WORK IN PROGRESS - OPEN”.
Alternatively, you can access a list of accepted Orders using the Worklist function as follows:
1. On the LPG menu select Worklist > All.
The My Worklist - Summary screen appears.
2. Scroll down to the Orders section and click Work In Progress.
A list of all Orders at status Work In Progress is displayed.
Or you can use the Find Matters by Orders function as follows:
1. On the LPG menu select Orders > Find Matter by Orders.
The Find Matter by Order Details screen appears.
2. In the Order Status field, scroll down and click on Work In Progress - Open.
A list of all Matters with Orders at status Work In Progress is displayed.
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